The big picture


During the two weeks between deciding to participate in a year-long spending fast, and actually starting it, I really became aware of "the big picture."  I was at work one afternoon, and a co-worker and I decided to take our afternoon break.  We walked to the store on the corner for some iced coffees (no matter how hard I try, my homemade ones just don't taste as good - if you have a recipe, I'd love to hear it!).  I bought the large size, and took my sweet-treat to the cash register to pay.  It cost me $2.15, no biggie right?


On average I bought some kind of iced coffee drink, whether it be from this store, Starbucks or where ever,  2-3 times per week.  That's nearly $350.00 each year for a little cup of coffee! 

The past two weeks since I started the Spending Fast, I've really been trying to keep this in mind.  Focus on the big picture.  So far it's been fairly easy.  There are times when I want to buy something, but I've been forcing myself to go through a thought process, and by the time that's done, the urge to spend has worn off...


Emily said... [Reply to comment]

What do you do to make your iced coffee? I generally make mine stronger than a normal pot of coffee. If you want it to be sweet, add the sweetener (sugar, agave, whatever) before it cools. Let it cool to room temp and then put in the fridge. Once it's cold, add whatever you do and enjoy!
Coffee is an acquired taste - at $.5-$.50 cents per homemade cup of iced coffee, it might be worth acquiring a new taste :)

Miss Priss Morgan said... [Reply to comment]

Honestly, I wasn't really trying anything! I was pretty much trying different brands, and different sweeteners and creams! Great advice though! It's funny, I really don't like coffee. I'm not someone who needs it every day, just as a treat once in a while, but when I do want it, I want it to be good. I'll have to try this! I apprecate it!

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