Weekly Money Checkup 8.22.11


1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on:  $119.00 on my textbooks.  I actually saved close to $400 because I chose to rent them over purchasing!

2. Today I am thankful:  that I was finally able to get a hold of someone with half a brain at my University's Financial Aid office.  For the past month I've only been able to speak with student.employees.who.don't.know.anything.about.anything!  Now my financial aid is all figured out!

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that made me happy was:  I was able to spend some time in my garden.  It's been so hot that mostly everything was fried by the sun, and because I felt like a farming failure, I haven't tended to it in over a month.  I pulled all of the old crops and planted my winter garden.

4. I will consider this week a success if I:  Get all of the work I need on my car done, as well as get my school supplies ready for Monday!

5. The best prank ever pulled on me was:  The time my roommate put Saran wrap all around my car.  It looked like a giant leftover, and it took forever to take off!


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